What’s Wrong with “What’s Wrong?”

“Hi Mike.” “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. Just saying hi.” “Ah, okay.” *** “Hey Suzie. How are you?” “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. How’s life?” “Everything’s great. You?” *** “Hi!” “What’s wrong?” *** Of course, something can be wrong one day. If someone calls you in the middle of the night screaming on the phone, “Help!” you definitely wouldn’t […] Continue reading

Leap into learning

Arguably, never before in human history did we have access to so much knowledge and information. Never before could anyone decide to learn and have a fair go at success, regardless of their financial standing. While affordability will always play a part when it comes to choices we can make about getting a formal education, […] Continue reading

Where Are You Heading?

You cannot always tell where you are heading just by looking at the direction of the road you are on. You can always tell where you are by looking at what you have learnt from the detours you have taken so far.

Are We Here Yet?

Children grow up and they eventually stop asking, “Are we there yet?”  They plug themselves into their smartphones and video games, chat with their friends, close doors to their rooms, and generally tune out.  Just like us. Even on long drives like the one from Sydney to the Snowy Mountains here in Australia, the challenge […] Continue reading

What’s Your Netherby?

There’s an old people’s home near where I used to live many years ago. Its name Netherby, wrongly or rightly, reminded me of the nether regions of hell, and life well beyond our prime. Netherby is what used to come to my mind when I’d think of aged care.  I’d drive past it after long […] Continue reading

Set Yourself to Tourist Mode

Excitement.  Relaxation.  Freedom.  Joy.  Adventure.  When holidays come to mind memories rule.  They can take us any place we’ve ever been in seconds and have us re-live our experiences.   In a Walter Mittyesque kind of way we can daydream about holidays past and future.  Travel operators thrive on our imagination.  Travel website Wotif.com implies this […] Continue reading